How to Apply Epoxy Floor Paint
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If you’re reading this, you’re probably in possession of some epoxy floor paint. You probably aren’t sure how to apply it, either. This is perfectly okay because this article will give you a basic rundown on how to apply your brand new floor paint. Epoxy floor paint is great for concrete garage floors as it is a tough, long-lasting coating that can be painted directly onto concrete. It also cleans rather easily, making it an extremely attractive option for heavy traffic areas.
How to Prepare Epoxy Floor Paint
Before doing anything, it is important to properly prepare your flooring. This includes cleaning it, repairing cracks, sweeping it and more. Microscopic contaminants can be a big problem when using floor paint, so it is important to use a good surface cleaner when preparing your floor. As a general rule, floor paint works best in a pH neutral environment, so if you know of any alkalinity in your flooring, it can be a good idea to try to neutralise that. Before continuing, don’t forget to degrease your floors. Oil and grease can be the death of a good coat of paint and thus, something that should be removed before painting. If you have access to one, an electric floor scrubber can be a great help in preparing your floor for painting simply due to potential time-savings. These can allow you to degrease and clean your floor at an incredible speed if you’re lucky.Application
After gathering your necessary equipment, mix your paint. Mixing the paint and the crosslinker before use is incredibly important; otherwise, your paint will not work. You may need to leave your mixed paint to stand for a while, depending on your manufacturer’s instructions. After this, the application is fairly standard. You will need to paint around the perimeter first, as this leads to mess-free application. After this, load your roller or paint gun and go to town on your flooring, making sure to paint in the same direction all the way to prevent streaky looking flooring.Waiting
A big part of applying epoxy floor paint is waiting, as it can take a long time to dry before you can put another coat on. Sometimes it is recommended to let this dry overnight, just to be sure; however, this is something that should be on your manufacturer’s instructions. After all of your coats are done, your epoxy floor paint will take roughly 7 days to fully cure, although you should be able to move furniture onto it in about 4 days.Strength & Versatility
Despite the long waiting times that applying epoxy floor paint comes with, it is also extremely versatile and some of the strongest wearing paint I have known. If you search around, you can find it in many attractive colours to suit any garage, workshop, warehouse or car park. However, it is incredibly important to always mix your paint thoroughly. Half mixed paint will not work as well as you want it to, I guarantee that. After reading this, you should be ready to apply your epoxy floor paint. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to our customer service team! We’re always happy to help.Find The Right Paint For Your Floor
If you’re curious about floor paints and want to know more, our team just finished writing The Ultimate Floor Paints Guide. It aims to give you all the necessary information about floor paints, and then some! If you have already read the eBook, head over to our online store and place an order with us. We offer free shipping on all UK orders over £200.